It is possible to declare an array without explicitly specifying its size, but using an explicit size declaration is clearer, and is therefore
Noncompliant code example
int arr1 [ ]; // Noncompliant; nothing specified
int arr2 [ ] = { [0] = 1, [12] = 36, [4] = 93 }; // Noncompliant; highest index determines size. May be difficult to spot
int pirate [ ] = { 2, 4, 8, 42, 501, 90210, 7, 1776 }; // Noncompliant; size is implicit, not explicit
Compliant solution
int arr1 [10];
int arr2 [13] = { [0] = 1, [12] = 36, [4] = 93 };
int pirate [10] = { 2, 4, 8, 42, 501, 90210, 7, 1776 }; // Implicitly-assigned size was 8. Desired size was 10.